Support for persistent variables that are stored inside the player’s save game.Over 200 new events, commands and controls added to the scripting dictionary.Certain aspects of AI personalities are now moddable.Resources are now virtually unlimited and moddable resources now support custom icons, models & resource types, and can be combined with script triggers and traits.Different campaigns defined in descr_campaigns.txt can now refer to a different data/terrain/campaign folder, to provide the campaign map with a seperate visible tile system.Combined FEDU and EDU files for simpler modding of units.Allow mods to force settings for Classic/Remastered toggles.Graphics settings are now moddable by adding a graphics_options.json file to the root of the modding folder.“infinite_ammo” disables ammunition counters for a given unit.“inexhaustible” disables stamina for a given unit.Modders can define icons used for building browser subtypes.Modders can use is_player to define building availability to human or AI factions.Added a new building bonus that allows adding increasing a settlement’s construction and recruitment points.Reputation and Relationship bonuses are now moddable.